Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Bought the first season (and only season so far) of Dollhouse on Saturday and I'm hooked. I watched the first episode when it aired, but being on a Friday night it was hard for me to catch. The first few episodes didn't really suck me but then it got a hell of a lot more interesting. I will hopefully finish it tonight or at least by this weekend.

The whole story is so far beyond anything that Joss Whedon has done before, yet not really. It's not as lighthearted as some of Buffy could be, nor not as dark as Angel could be. It also doesn't have the almost surreal feel of Firefly. The whole story is not original, but as is Joss's way he made it his own. The whole idea of programmable people is really interesting and the more you connect with the "Dolls", the more I want to learn their back stories and where they come from. I have fallen in love with the characters and I am happy to see two of my favorite Whedon actors back, Eliza Dushku and Amy Acker (Faith on Buffy/Angel and Fred on Angel, respectively) and of course Helo from BSG. It's fun for me try to spot other Whedon actors and to pick up on things that I recognize as things from the other shows.

I really hope that the rest of the season is as good as the 7 episodes I've watched so far and that Season 2 is good as well. Buffy lasted 7 seasons, Angel lasted 5, and Firefly only lasted 1 (the a major motion picture, Serenity, to tie it up) and I hope that Dollhouse lasts a while as well.

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